My first tackle box - what needs to go in?
By Thomas P
Especially for beginners, the question arises again and again, what does everything actually have to be in my first tackle box or what do I really need for the beginning. There are now countless manufacturers of carp tackle and an almost endless selection. This can quickly become extremely confusing for a beginner when you also listen to the advice of all your more experienced fishing buddies.
We are of the opinion that less is more, especially in the beginning, and we would therefore like to show you what you really should have in your tackle box when you start carp fishing and what you can do without for the time being.
Restrict! For starters, you should really limit yourself to the essentials. It is best to use a normal hair rig consisting of a hook and a leader line as a leader to begin with.
This way you don't run the risk of spending tons of money right from the start for products that you don't really know what to do with or how to use them properly.
First off, it really doesn't take much to successfully fish for carp. You can really catch a lot of great and big carp with a normal setup. In the following you will receive a small list from us, exclusively with the most necessary products, which you should definitely carry in your tackle box!
You should have this with you:
- Tackle box
-1 - 2 different hook models (we recommend size 4 hooks to begin with!)
- Leader material (at the beginning normal braid with a strength of 25lb)
-Twirl (normal barrel twirl)
-Anti Tangle Tube (we recommend our PVC Tube)
-Lead Clip & Tail Rubber (so you can hang your lead in it)
-Leads (you are best served with leads around 100 grams!)
-Leads (you are best served with leads around 100 grams!)
-boilie stopper
-bait needles
-Possibly. Boilie borher
-all accessories that belong to standard fishing equipment (pliers, knives, disgorgers, etc.)
This list represents absolute basic equipment and can, of course, be expanded to include any number of products over time.
In our opinion, it is important to start with (although not perfectly) and catch a few carp, familiarize yourself with the products bit by bit and only then expand your range and close your leaders improve and expand.
Many beginners like to make the mistake of buying countless tackles at the beginning, but not knowing exactly what they are needed for and, in the worst case, risking fish losses due to improper use.