Futtermenge - Wann sollte ich mehr füttern? - Carpify

Feed amount - When should I feed more?

Feed amount - When should I feed more? Feed, feed more or not feed at all? When does it make sense to add more food to the water and when...
Thomas Preihsl
Florian fängt kapitalen 16 Kilo Spiegler! - Carpify

Florian catches a big 16 kilo mirror!

Florian catches a big 16 kilo mirror! We just got the news about this big carp of 16 kilos. After an extremely exciting drill, Florian was able to put this...
Thomas Preihsl
Welche Rolle spielt die Boiliefarbe? - Carpify

What role does the boilie color play?

What role does the boilie color play? Boilies are now available in hundreds of different sizes, tastes and colours. Many carp anglers therefore ask themselves again and again whether the...
Thomas Preihsl
Sind Bleigewichte am Rig wirklich sinnvoll? - Carpify

Do lead weights on the rig really make sense?

Do lead weights on the rig really make sense? Does it really make sense to mount a lead weight on the leader with normal rigs that are used with boilies?...
Thomas Preihsl
Wie mache ich meine Partikel haltbar? - Carpify

How do I make my particles durable?

How do I make my particles durable? Again and again it happens that prepared particles are left over after fishing. But what should you do with them now? Just throw...
Thomas Preihsl
Boilies selbst rollen - NEU 2021! - Carpify

Roll boilies yourself - NEW 2021!

Roll boilies yourself - NEW 2021! Due to many inquiries from our customers, who like to roll their boilies themselves and need the highest quality ingredients to offer the carp...
Thomas Preihsl
Bait Secrets #3: Gefroren, gesalzen oder konserviert? Was ist besser?! - Carpify

Bait Secrets #3: Frozen, Salted, or Canned? What is better?!

Bait Secrets #3: Frozen, Salted, or Canned? What is better?! Which type of preservation is really the better... ...and are canned boilies as much worse as many carp anglers claim?...
Bait Secrets #2: Dippen? Sinnvoll oder nicht? - Carpify

Bait Secrets #2: Dipping? Useful or not?

Bait Secrets #2: Dipping? Useful or not? Does it make sense to briefly dip boilies in a dip before throwing them out? Will it really catch more carp? Does this...
Bait Secrets #1: Winterpartikel-Rezept - Carpify

Bait Secrets #1: Winter Particle Recipe

Bait Secrets #1: Winter Particle Recipe Perfect for the cold season! Particles are not only ideal for carp fishing in summer. Now that temperatures are starting to get colder and...
Meine erste Tackle Box - Was muss rein? - Carpify

My first tackle box - what needs to go in?

My first tackle box - what needs to go in? By Thomas P Especially for beginners, the question arises again and again, what does everything actually have to be in...
Wie groß muss der Haken wirklich sein? - Carpify

How big does the hook really have to be?

How big does the hook really have to be? By Thomas P For many carp anglers, choosing the right hook size is not that easy and always causes discussions. In...
Wurfgewicht einer Karpfenrute richtig bestimmen! - Carpify

Determine the casting weight of a carp rod correctly!

Determine the casting weight of a carp rod correctly! By Thomas P Every fishing rod has a so-called casting weight. This indicates the weight with which the rod can be...

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